30-second test for prostate cancer

Gordon Birtwistle MP has his test for prostate cancer. (s)Gordon Birtwistle MP has his test for prostate cancer. (s)
Gordon Birtwistle MP has his test for prostate cancer. (s)
Parliament has become a bustling and tense environment as we are less than 100 days to the General Election.

The other Monday I had a series of meetings on continued investment and bringing jobs to our town. I am proud of how much we have seen a turnaround in almost five years and am not prepared to stop now!

As much of the business is now winding up, I was grateful to be back in Burnley. I met with some college students who had asked to film me and was answering their questions on the spare room subsidy.

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I made a visit to FUNDA headquarters to be greeted by coach Kieran the expert children’s coach and chief executive officer of award-winning FUNDA who deliver PE, school sport and Teacher CPD Support Workshops across Lancashire and now reach out to 20,000 children every week.

FUNDA has been working in primary schools for eight years and is on a mission to upskill more teachers and encourage more inactive children to become active by making sure more high quality PE and school sport is accessible to all children as well as sharing the message that everyone can play their part. With only 21% of boys and 16% of girls currently doing the physical activity they need to stay healthy, too many children are living inactive lifestyles, damaging their health and ability to succeed. It is another incredible example of great things going on in our town.

I also went to the college to present the lovely young girl who won my Christmas card design competition with her well-deserved prize. I am always astonished at the high quality art of the students at the college and was absolutely delighted to award this to her.

I then went to a meeting with the acting Chief Executive of the council to have a general discussion about the town. I am absolutely delighted with the announcement the Local Growth Deal is delivering money to build a high tech industrial estate next to the college. I am proud the Government continues to invest in our town and this is more great news.

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On the Friday my surgeries were extremely busy and I went along to Burnley Football Club on Saturday morning for the PSA Blood Testing for prostate cancer. The test that only takes 30 seconds is vital in detecting prostate cancer and I was delighted to see over 270 men were there for the test and hope everyone’s results that they will have in the next few weeks will be positive.