Dogs in burnley Cemetery - Not as bad as suggested

Clean it up!Clean it up!
Clean it up!
I would like to reply to the letter from “Disgruntled resident”, whoever you are, (Friday, October 17th).

I walk my dog twice a day around Burnley Cemetery (on the lead) and I do pick up after him as do the people who I know who also walk their dogs around or through the cemetery. There may be the odd one who doesn’t but access to the cemetery is available 24 hours per day, seven days a week. As for not visiting graves, most of my departed family is buried there.

I walked around on Saturday morning and could not find any of the offending piles mentioned. I am left to wonder if the “problem” is as bad as what has been stated in the letter. As for a general ban on dogs in parks etc, this road has been gone down before and left a sad legacy for the town.

Many things annoy me but most of the time I keep my opinions to myself and I do sign my letters.

A. Husband

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