Working together to save our bus service

Burnley Bus Station. G160212/2cBurnley Bus Station. G160212/2c
Burnley Bus Station. G160212/2c
In recent weeks we have had the threat of losing the bus service for Worsthorne.

With the threat of losing the bus service the residents all came together, Julie Whitham put together a very successful petition with more than 500 signatures.

Then on Tuesday, two weeks ago, the village came together for a meeting chaired by Pauline Frost Hardwick MBE with more than 200 people attending the meeting.

MP Gordon Birtwistle answered questions and concerns.

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On the Thursday Coun. Walsh, MP Birtwistle and the head of the school Louise Young met the head of Transdev Mr Russell Revill to ask questions. Gordon Birtwistle and County Coun. Margaret Brindle had already worked very hard behind the scenes and raised most issues.

Transdev agreed to keep the bus service on at a higher cost as the county council will not raise the subsidies.

Coun. S. Walsh
