A Fatal Obsession by Faith Martin - book review: Intriguing, clever and with bags of potential

A Fatal Obsession by Faith MartinA Fatal Obsession by Faith Martin
A Fatal Obsession by Faith Martin
For 25 years, Faith Martin has been thrilling her readers with a raft of superb novels'¦ written in four different genres and under four different pen names.

Perhaps best known for her smart and sassy DI Hillary Greene police series set in and around her home town of Oxford, Martin returns once more to the city of dreaming spires for a thrilling new police series starring an unlikely and excitingly original crime-fighting partnership.

Set in 1960 when male detectives were still dinosaurs and women detectives were regarded as superfluous to requirements, A Fatal Obsession pits a 19-year-old rookie policewoman and a middle-aged, old-school coroner against the force’s cynical top brass and a ruthless murderer.

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