Revealed: Knackered Burnley residents would pay £90.70 for a good night’s sleep

How much would you pay for a good night's sleep?How much would you pay for a good night's sleep?
How much would you pay for a good night's sleep?
There are a few things which you famously can't put a price on. Good health, happiness, that feeling you get when you sneeze: all invaluable life commodities which we all cherish dearly. But when it comes to getting a solid few hours of kip, a new survey has revealed the exact price Burnley residents will stump up for some quality shut-eye.

You know the feeling - you wake up and your eyes snap open immediately, without groggy delay, as if you were barely ever asleep. Suddenly the prospect of dragging yourself vertical isn't as soul-destroying as usual, and you swing your legs out from under the duvet with the hint of a zip. You've just had a good night's sleep. But just how much are such nights actually worth?

Well, according to a new study by Bedstar, people in Burnley would fork out an average of £90.70 for a guaranteed good night’s snoozing, saying that as a rule they only get three decent nights of rest per week while the other four leave them feeling suitably grouchy. That's the equivalent of almost 48 Starbucks' espressos, although caffeine may be at the root of the issue...

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Busier, more stressful lives spent juggling jobs, family, and an addiction to social media mean that getting those eight hours can be easier said than done, in spite of the growing understanding of the crucial nature of sleep when it comes to de-stressing and well-being. But almost £100 is a lot of money, and significantly more than the £69.20 which the UK on average as a whole would fork out.

"It’s obvious that many Brits struggle with their sleeping habits due to various factors," says John Stalker from Bedstar. ‘Perhaps we could avoid the mere idea of paying for your forty winks by investing in a new mattress!"

Bedstar's survey also looked into which job sectors featured people willing to pay top dollar for uninterrupted slumber, with those working in the energy sector, tech, and the media coming out on top as the most enthusiastic sleep-investors. At the other end of the spectrum, hospitality, healthcare, and legal workers apparently had no issue nodding off, saying they'd barely spend £50 on a reliable kip.

Having kids definitely impacted the degree to which people were willing to get their cash out, with parents saying they'd be happy to spend £63.04 to hit the sack undisturbed, while for those suffering from insomnia, the most common remedies included reading (49%), going online (21%), biting the bullet and working (15%), exercising (8%), taking sleeping pills (6%), and having a cheeky nightcap (1%).

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Creating a strong assosication between the bedroom and sleep alone is crucial to drifting off, with experts recommending stepping out of the bedroom to do something else calming until you feel tired, whilst also advising against late-night exercising as this raises core temperature, increases heart rate, and releases adrenaline.

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