Have your say on future of Pendle

Nelson Town Hall.
Photo Ben ParsonsNelson Town Hall.
Photo Ben Parsons
Nelson Town Hall. Photo Ben Parsons
The Scrutiny Team at Pendle Council is once again preparing for the year ahead.

As always, we’re keen to engage local residents and invite them to tell us what issues in Pendle matter the most to them as we plan topics for our scrutiny reviews.

Through our scrutiny work programme, we can look at anything which affects the quality of life of Pendle people. We want to make sure we continue to look at the things that mean the most to people in Pendle.

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We can only be sure we’re doing this if they tell us what they are.

In the past year or two, scrutiny studies have looked into all sorts of issues that affect us in Pendle - and not only council services.

If your readers have topics they would like to suggest our Scrutiny team considers looking at during 2015/16, they can pick up a form from Pendle Council reception areas, complete a form online at www.pendle.gov.uk/scrutinyrequest, email their suggestions to scrutiny@pendle.gov.uk or call Scrutiny Manager Kath Haydock on 661607 to ask to receive a form in the post.

We ask people send us their suggestions by Friday, February 27th – and thank them in advance.

Coun. Graham Roach

Chairman of the Scrutiny Team

Pendle Council

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