Pendle MP welcomes new veterans' railcard

The railcardThe railcard
The railcard
Pendle MP Andrew Stephenson has welcomed the introduction of a new railcard which will see veterans receive discounted fares off most train journeys.

The railcard, to be introduced on Armistice Day in November, will see over 830,000 veterans who previously did not qualify, receive a third off most train fares.

Currently only serving military personnel receive a discounted fare with veterans having to wait until 60 to quality for the senior railcard.

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The new railcard meets a pledge made in the Conservative Party manifesto and forms part of the Government’s New Veteran Strategy, which is designed to help tackle the major issues facing veterans today.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said: “Every part of society should honour the debt we owe those who’ve served our country. I’m proud that the Department for Transport, together with other government colleagues and the rail industry, is doing its bit.

“This railcard will help open up opportunities to veterans, whether through employment and retraining, or by strengthening links with friends and family. I believe that enabling former service personnel to travel more easily is the least we can do.”

Mr Stephenson MP said: “I am delighted by the introduction of the Veteran’s Railcard – as pledged in the Conservative manifesto. It will help Pendle’s younger veterans, who clearly deserve as much support as possible from the country they have served so bravely and selflessly.

“This does need to be matched by improved rail services, an issue I am heavily involved with as the future of Northern franchise is resolved and a wider review of our railways comes to a conclusion.”