Repairs to Burnley's Brunshaw Road that collapsed after a water main burst expected to be completed this week

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Repairs to a major road into Burnley, that collapsed after a water main burst in the early hours of the morning last Thursday, are expected to be completed this week.

Brunshaw Road was closed off to traffic after the incident and has remained closed while United Utilities work to repair the damage.

The pressure of the water burst, which happened at around 4-45am, caused a deep ‘sink hole’ chasm in the carriageway.

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Repairs to a major road into Burnley Brunshaw Road, that collapsed after a water main burst in the early hours of the morning last Thursday, is expected to be completed this weekRepairs to a major road into Burnley Brunshaw Road, that collapsed after a water main burst in the early hours of the morning last Thursday, is expected to be completed this week
Repairs to a major road into Burnley Brunshaw Road, that collapsed after a water main burst in the early hours of the morning last Thursday, is expected to be completed this week

A United Utilities spokesman said today: “ Repairs are ongoing on Brunshaw Road under a road closure permit which expires on Wednesday (July 3rd). Unless there are further issues, it is expected that the work should be completed on or before this date. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.”

Diversions are in place while the road is closed off to traffic from Ridge Avenue to Brownhill Avenue.