Buddhist meditation coming to Burnley

Classes will be held in BurnleyClasses will be held in Burnley
Classes will be held in Burnley
Burnley Buddhist Meditation Centre is beginning a new series of drop-in meditation classes called New Year, New Direction.

The classes, starting on Wednesday, January 16th, include guided meditations and a talk explaining how to practice and apply meditation.

There are many benefits of meditation as Gen Kelsang Paljin explains: “Through meditation we can learn to relax, let go of daily concerns, and develop a fresh and positive outlook.

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"Meditation also helps us to develop inner good qualities, such as patience and inner peace. This leads to greater happiness and contentment and an authentic self-confidence. Both our personal relationships and our overall health improve.”

The meditation classes are suitable for both beginners and those with experience. They are self-contained so can be attended on a drop-in basis.

Each week a different aspect of meditation is covered. Classes are £6 each, or £20 for a 4 class card. A 15 minute meditation at 12-30pm is free. For more information on the Burnley classes and all other events and activities, please call 01535 958189, or e-mail to burnley@enjoymeditation.org

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